While the excitement of urban life is close by, the peace and tranquility of rural life is found right outside your door. The call of the bob-white, the questioning of "who...who" by the owl, the plaintiff calls of the whip-poor-will, or the raucous chatter of the mocking bird floats across the hills and meadows of Brookwood. Deer are seen feeding across the street from the Town Hall and eagles are spotted soaring over the Black Warrior River. The pace may seem slow, but don’t be deceived. You will be pleasantly surprised when you discover the vitality and vision of the people in this quiet little village, Brookwood, Alabama.
City of Brookwood
Town Park Calendar of Events:
Updates coming soon. Stay tuned.
TUSCALOOSA – The Alabama Department of Transportation plans to close Covered Bridge Road and two lanes on Interstate 20/59 in Tuscaloosa County after a bridge inspection revealed a structural issue. The inspection took place after a large piece of equipment being hauled by a rental truck struck the overpass for Covered Bridge Road on I-20/59 westbound at Exit 86 on September 28. Covered Bridge Road over the interstate will close Monday, October 17 until Friday, November 18. The I-20/59 westbound center and right lanes will be closed from Sunday, October 23 until Friday, November 18. The contractor will place temporary supports beneath the bridge to allow workers to repair rebar, place concrete and to partially remove and repair one girder. Motorists should expect delays and are encouraged to take US-11, Highway 216 or other alternate routes during this period. “Although the bridge poses no immediate danger to the traveling public, it’s important that we repair it before it could potentially worsen,” said Wallace McAdory III, West Central Region Engineer. “We recognize that these repairs will impact traffic, so please make sure to leave early to reach your destination on time.” ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama. For further information, visit www.dot.state.al.us