Public Notice November 10, 2022

Public Notice

November 10, 2022

The Brookwood Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public meeting at the GG Hardin Center located inside the City of Brookwood Park at, 15689 Hwy 216 Brookwood, Alabama at 6:00 pm on November 10, 2022. 

Any person so desiring may appear at the above said time and place in support or opposition to, the matters under consideration.  The following items will be on the agenda:

Amendments to the City of Brookwood Zoning Ordinance to include the following areas:

Adoption of new zoning map, to include numerous changes in zoning classifications primarily meant to address the large number of variances in the City and to establish more defined commercial corridors.

Addition of a “Dual Zoning Classification” provision within the Ordinance that will allow for properties to receive both Residential and Commercial zoning classifications that will allow the use of the property to dictate the classification.

Changes to the City zoning ordinance’s commercial classification to more fully encompass all commercial uses of property within the City and to simplify the need to rezone between the two classifications.  

Changes in residential lot sizes and setbacks.

Copies of the proposed amendments to the Ordinance (including the zoning map) as amended, are on display at the Town Hall and will be available for public inspection between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday.  The full text of the proposed amendments are attached hereto for review at this location, however it is requested that any member of the public that wishes to have a copy come by Town Hall and request one. 

Please do NOT remove the copy attached hereto.


It is important to note that no vote will occur at this public meeting, this is simply a chance for the Citizens of Brookwood to be better informed as to the upcoming changes to the Ordinance and to voice any opinions they may have on the subject prior to the scheduling of a vote on these changes. 

If person with disabilities needs special accommodations or auxiliary aids for participation at the hearing, please contact the Town Hall at 205 556-1300 at least twenty-four hours in advance.

Brookwood Planning & Zoning Commission

James Kamalsky

Board President